Indoor Cardio Workout to Do When the Weather Is Bad

The best way to burn fat and stay fit is to complete cardio workouts regularly. Cardio workouts usually require going to the gym.

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The best way to burn fat and stay fit is to complete cardio workouts regularly. Cardio workouts usually require going to the gym. During bad weather, running and machine workout is hard. It also requires a lot of time. You can also exercise better at home. 

When the weather is bad, which indoor cardio workouts can you do? There are various ways you can work out during bad weather. They include jump squats, jumping rope, stationary sprint, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, burpees, tap toes, butt kicks, split jump lunges, kickboxing, tuck jumps, knee to elbow plank, commandos, and bicycles.

In this article, we will highlight different ways to exercise at home without any equipment. The exercises are perfect for anyone indoors. You may have limited time or experience bad weather to go to the gym. This article will educate and help you with everything you need to know.

Working Out During Bad Weather

Indoor workouts are cheap, and they require less time and minimum gear. Cardio exercises increase your heart rate, sweat out toxins, lose weight, and promote long-lasting fat burning. The indoor cardio workouts will also help you stay in shape more comfortably and conveniently.

If the weather is bad, you don’t have to worry about making your way to the gym. You can still work out from home. 

Below are some of the activities you can do as indoor workouts.

©Coach Mag UK

1. Jump Squats

Jump squats work on your glutes, lower abs, and leg muscles. They will help shed fat from the lower body. They will also tone your butt and legs, improving their strength and balance.

How to Do Jump Squats

  • To start, when standing, bend your knees a little. Make sure your spine is upright.
  • With your feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight. Your hand should be by your side, chest up, shoulders rolled back, chin up, and look ahead.
  • Push your butt out, bend your knees, and squat down. Your toes should go beyond the knees. To prevent your back from curving and being hurt, bend a little bit forward.
  • When squatting down, bring your palms together.
  • Impel your body upwards and jump when getting up. Move your hands down to initiate force.
  • Land on the flow tenderly and squat down. Put your hands together to make sure the knees do not fall in. This may cause injury.
  • Repeat the squats for 30 seconds.

Benefits of Jump Squats

  • Burns fats and calories. You can burn 100 calories by doing 30 jump squats depending on your weight and the exercise’s intensity.
  • Tone your butt, legs, and ab muscle due to high-intensity exercise.
  • Maintain mobility and balance. When you get older, your leg strength will reduce. Squats will help in taking away the natural weakening of these muscle groups. They will maintain motor balance and enhance brain-to-muscle communication.
  • Boost sports performance. Squatting helps the performance of athletes through endurance exercise.
  • Improve health. Jump squats improve glucose regulation, lipid metabolism, and insulin sensitivity. They also reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes.
  • Improves waste removal. Jump squats improve fluid circulation and increase sweating.
  • Improves bone health.

Types of Squat Jumps

  • Weighted Squats. Use a pair of dumbbells. Bent your elbows and put the palms facing each other. 
  • Box jump squats. You can use a table or an exercise box 1-2 ft. away from you.
  • Single leg jump squats. Stretch one leg out and hands in the front.
  • Frog squats.
  • Jumping jack squats. Jump when your arms are up and squat when they are down.
  • Prisoner squats. Your hands should be on your head.
  • Bicep curl squats. Use squats with weights.
  • Uneven squats.
  • Wall squats.
  • Regular squats.
  • Monkey squats. Use your legs wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Sumo squats. Keep your feet more than shoulder-width apart.

2. Jumping Rope

Jumping a rope will improve cardiovascular fitness. Jumping rope will also help in burning calories. To get better at jumping rope, you have to practice. You will learn how to jump a rope using the steps below:

  • Hold the rope with your palms facing up. Your wrist should be halfway between your feet and your head.
  • When starting your jumping, the rope should be behind your heels. Spin your rope up over your head.
  • Your knees should bend slightly. Stand on your toes.
  • Keep your spine neutral.

Tricks to Jumping Ropes

  • Double unders. Spin the rope fast enough to pass under your feet twice in a jump.
  • Double Dutch. Use at least three people. Two people hold ropes on opposite sides while one is jumping. 
  • Skier. You jump from side to side with your feet together.
  • Bell. You will jump forward and back with your feet held together.
  • Straddle. You will alternate from a feet-together and a wide-leg position.
  • Scissors. A foot should be in front of the other, switch positions on every jump.
  • Crossover. Swap open and crossed arms with every spin of the rope.
  • Boxer skip. In each skip, shift your weight from one leg to the other.

3. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climber works on cardio and muscular endurance. It is an ab exercise that strengthens the core. Follow the steps below on how to do mountain climbers:

  • Place your shoulders directly over your hands and wrists. Keep your back flat, your butt down and neutralize your spine.
  • Let your core participate, raise your right knee, and bring it to your elbow. Put the right knee back and take your left one to your left elbow.
  • Keep on switching legs and pick up the pace up to when you feel like you are running. The exercise should take 30 seconds.

4. Stationary Sprint

You will get a lot of benefits when doing sprinting at home. It is best done during winter or when you are on vacay.

5. Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is the best way to exercise when indoors. Do it every 15-10 minutes a day to build muscles. Some of its benefits include:

  • Works on many muscles in the body.
  • Sheds body fat.
  • Gives you a fantastic amount of cardio endurance.
  • Builds running technique and heavy lift ability.

Beginners can start training with 35lbs for ladies and 50lbs for men. You can buy a kettlebell swing that is slightly bigger than you need to use it for a long time. When you have the bell, this is how you will work out:

  • Deadlift: stand on your feet, toes forward, slightly further than shoulder-width apart. Squat and grab the bell with two hands. Adding some weight, lift until you are standing straight. Repeat the process.
  • When you have worked on the deadlift and are comfortable with it, move on to the swing. Start the same way as the deadlift. At first, the bed should be in line with your heels. Reach down, grab the bell, lift it, and let it fall back between your legs and smack it forward.

Your arms should be straight and your hips forward. When you are done with the workout, drop the bell and let it slide to the ground.

There are different workout schemes using kettlebell swing:

  • 2-minute drill. This is simple. Set a clock for two minutes and see how you can pump out.
  • Ladder. Start with one, reset a few minutes, do two, then three up to 10.
  • 100 reps. Pick a number like 100, 200. Use a stopwatch to know how long it takes to hit the target.

Using a kettlebell, you can get fit and healthy in less than an hour a week.

6. Burpees

Burpees do not require equipment. It is an indoor workout that will give you a great cardiovascular workout and works on the whole body. They are hard for beginners. Learn the basics first. Then you can try the variations to increase the intensity.

How to Do Basic Burpees

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold arms at your sides. Your knees should be straight. Strain your abs, keep your back flat, and squeeze your butt when starting each burpee. You can check your position in a mirror.
  • You should bend your hips and knees. Lower your body to a squatting position. Move forward with your hips. Bend the knees to put your body to the floor. When doing this, your back should be straight and your arms close to your body.
  • Put the hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Kick your feet back on a plank position.
  • Drop down to the floor.
  • Press up your arms then jump your feet forward.
  • To finish the move, jump straight up. Repeat the process 15 times.

How to Do Simplified Burpees for Beginners

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Squat to touch the floor with your hands.
  • Put your feet back to be in a pushup position.
  • Walk your feet and push off the ground to stand up. 

How to Increase the Intensity of Your Burpees

  • When you drop down to the floor, do a pushup.
  • When you are jumping, lift some weights.
  • Add a box jump at the end of each burpee.
  • Do a one leg burpee.

7. Tap Toes

When doing tap toes, you need to coordinate. This will make you sweat in minutes. You can use a staircase of a box for it to work well.

How To Do Tap Toes

  • Place your foot at the margin of the stair or box.
  • Jump and take turns with the other foot.
  • Speed up the process to achieve the best results.

8. Butt Kicks

Butt kicks are fantastic workout routine that can be done when you are indoors. They are suitable for cardio. To do butt kicks, stand straight and put your right foot toward your butt. Repeat the same procedure with your left foot. Keep alternating for 30 seconds.


9. Split Jump Lunges

Split jump lunges can be carried out while indoors. They will increase your heart rate, strengthen your leg muscles and increase flexibility.

How to Do Split Jump Lunges

  • Place your legs apart.
  • Do a high jump and land on a lunge with knees at 90 degrees angle.
  • Jump again and land on the other knee.

When jumping, be careful that the knee will not touch the ground. This is to avoid injuries.

10. Kickboxing

Kickboxing involves using of hands to kick and box. Arm and leg movements are involved too. The exercise ensures both limbs are stretched. This workout can be done when indoors. You may burn up to 100 calories in ten minutes using this exercise. You don’t need to use any equipment.

How to Do Kickboxing

You can either punch a bag or air.

To achieve the best results, customize your moves. Kickboxing will also get rid of any aggression.

11. Tuck Jumps

Tuck jumps do not require a lot of space. You will need high ceilings, though. They involve jumping high.

How to Do Tuck Jumps

  • Jump as high as you can. When jumping, pull your knees towards your chest.
  • Bring your hands to the knees top.
  • Land softly with your feet apart.
©HIIT Academy

12. Knee to Elbow Plank

Knee-to-elbow plank can be an indoor cardio workout. This exercise works on your core, legs, arms, and back.

  • Drop to a plank.
  • Pull your knee to your chest. 
  • Touch the knee of the opposite elbow.
  • Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds.

13. Commandos

This type of exercise works on your shoulders, chest, arms and core. Commandos do not require equipment. The exercise will keep your heart rate elevated and strengthen your core when done on high intensity. 

How to Do Commandos

  • Begin the exercise on a straight arm board position.
  • Lower your body to the floor by dropping your elbows down one arm at a time.
  • Rise to a straight arm plank by putting hands on the floor. Extend your arms.
  • Continue changing back and forward between elbows and straight arms.

14. Bicycles 

Lie on your back first. Put your feet up while the upper part of the body is on the floor. Take one of the knees near to the chest. As you are doing so, put your opposite elbow across your body to meet the top of your knee. Continue alternating back and forth like pedaling a bicycle in the air. This is what we call the bicycle exercise.

All the above cardio exercises can be done when you are stuck indoors due to bad weather. Working out at home is not pointless. It can give you pleasing results. You will burn calories fast and burn fat daily. Do this, and the results will be amazing. This exercises can be done while watching the TV, babysitting, and during bad weather.

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