Amazing Workout Gear for Indoor Cardio

You need not hit the gym to do your cardio. With the right workout gear, you can work on your cardiovascular fitness while improving

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You need not hit the gym to do your cardio. With the right workout gear, you can work on your cardiovascular fitness while improving your heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and burning calories.

What workout gear do you need for indoor cardio? Kettlebells, dumbbell sets, resistance bands, jumping ropes, medicine balls, stationary bikes, rowing machines, and ellipticals make great workout gear for indoor cardio.

In this article, we’ll be considering amazing workout gear for indoor cardio, features to consider, and why you need workout gear. Let’s get started!

Why Do You Need Workout Gear?

Guess you’re wondering why you need workout gear for your indoor cardio. Regular exercise does a lot of wonders to your overall health, including your physical and mental well-being. These workout gears make exercising a lot easier and motivating. They improve fitness, coordination, balance, and performance.

What Are the Best Workout Gear for Indoor Cardio?

Are you looking for amazing workout gear for your indoor cardio? We’ve got you covered! We’ve compiled a list of workout gear that will make indoor cardio so much fun and interesting. You also get a rundown of features to consider before making any purchasing decision.

1. Kettlebell

A kettlebell is one affordable piece of exercise equipment everyone should have in their home. Looking like a cannonball with a handle, the kettlebell helps strengthen the muscles and improve balance, coordination, and core power. A kettlebell weight of 15-25 pounds is an ideal one for training. For the right one, you might want to consider Amazon Basics Vinyl Kettlebell.

Features To Look Out For When Purchasing Kettlebells


Traditional kettlebells have thick and narrow handles, while the modern ones have thinner and larger handles for a comfortable grip during swings. If you enjoy swinging, you might want to go for kettlebells with a wide handle. Is your fitness regimen focused on snatches and presses? A regular kettlebell is just the right one for you.


Kettlebells are either built from steel or cast iron—traditional kettlebells are created from cast iron, while competition kettlebells are made of steel. Both steel types are usually of the same dimension and style. The cast-iron types are often heavier and larger.


Kettlebells are often painted to prevent rust. Quality kettlebells are coated with a soft vinyl finish. The traditional ones are more prone to rust than the steel competition types. Vinyl-coated kettlebells are highly recommended since it’s rust-proof and chip-resistant.


Adjustable kettlebells are good for exercises like swings and overhead presses. Traditional kettlebells are not adjustable due to their fixed weight.

2. Suspension Training System

Suspension training systems are fast becoming popular home gym equipment. They enhance the flexibility of your torso, trunk, and lower body while improving balance. In your choice of suspension trainer, look for a long-lasting one with firm, adjustable straps and comfortable handles that prevent blisters and other injuries. Are you new to suspension training? Do you want to revamp your home workouts? TRX GO Suspension Trainer System seems like a perfect choice!

3. Dumbbell Set

Dumbbells target specific muscle groups. These free weights are ranked among vital exercise equipment in homes. Their durability, versatility, and space-efficient feature make them suitable for apartments and small enclosures. From chest presses to squats and triceps kickbacks, you can perform tons of exercises with these free weights.

You can never go wrong with these weights! Dumbbells are available in various shapes, sizes, materials, and weights. The price, storability, and personal fitness goals and levels should be considered when buying dumbbells. There are several kinds of dumbbells on the market. One of them is CAP Barbell Neoprene Dumbbell Set with Rack.

4. Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are strength training tools. They’re portable, lightweight, and are of different sizes and resistance. These bands are just right for home workouts. Resistance bands are exceptionally durable and make an excellent investment.  The workout bands help in rehabilitation, weightlifting, and pull-ups. If you’re looking to burn calories and tone your muscles, Hoocan Resistance Bands are great options.

5. Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a great workout gear for indoor cardio. A perfect staple for a home gym, jump rope elevates heart rate, improves coordination, and boosts metabolism. If you’re not enthusiastic about running or cycling, jumping rope will be a fun exercise routine for you.

6. Medicine Ball

Another important piece of equipment you should include in your home workout is a medicine ball. Medicine balls are of different weights and textures. They are usually made of leather though they can be built from vinyl or plastic. While some medicine balls have handles and bounce, others don’t possess handles and don’t bounce. Medicine balls are pegged all-round fitness accessories since they help in bodybuilding, coordination, and balance. The six-pound option is suitable for beginners. For a regular fitness enthusiast, the 10-pound ball will be a good pick. An ideal one is the Yes4All Wall medicine ball.

7. Stationary Bikes

Are you thinking of investing in some home workout gear? Add a stationary bike to your list of indoor exercise equipment. Stationary bikes focus on the arms and legs while lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Bring the energy of a group workout class to your home by getting a high tech stationary bike like Peloton.

Features to Look Out for When Buying Stationary Bikes

Display Function

A bike with an attached video screen will show stats like speed, distance, calories burned, resistance levels, heart rate, and revolutions per minute (RPM).

Heart Rate Monitor

Consider heart rate monitors with chest straps as this allows easy movement.  Chest strap monitors can be used for most workouts. There are other models to choose from.

Adjustable Seat and Handlebars

An ideal stationary bike should have an adjustable seat and handlebars for convenience and grip. Handlebars should be adjusted upward, downward, forward, or backward to provide enough room for play and right positioning.


Choose workout machines that can be easily adjusted with a wide range of workout levels. Stationary bikes have resistance control for a more realistic and better experience.


Stability is an important feature of bikes. A bike that lacks this is likely to shift back and forth when riding. Bikes that are not stable may lack durability. To determine stability, check the weight of the bike. A bike that is heavily built will be sturdy and stable.

Simple Usage

Stationary bikes equipped with built-in video screens should have a simple user interface to aid ease of use. Also, instead of a built-in video screen, you can decide to position your phone or tablet above the handlebars, at eye level.

8. Yoga Mat

Though specifically made for yoga, yoga mats are also good for squats, burpees, push-up, and other low-impact exercises. Available in different colors, brands, and patterns, yoga mats provide stability and are well cushioned to prevent bone and joint fatigue. Consider the thickness, material, texture, eco-friendly features, and price before choosing a yoga mat.

9. Treadmill

Want a full run-in while you’re indoors? Treadmills to the rescue! Suitable for cardio and aerobic exercise, treadmills are fitness equipment that boosts endurance while promoting weight loss. Investing in a home treadmill is more affordable compared to an annual gym membership. With a treadmill, you can stay healthy and fit without having to visit a gym.

Features to Look Out for When Buying Treadmills

Heart Rate Monitors

If you want to track your heart rate while you walk or run on the treadmill, you should go for treadmills with heart rate monitors. The heart rate monitors are usually attached to the body, more preferably on the wrist. Sensors can also be built into handgrips, which are fastened to the handrails. You can decide to get your own heart rate monitor if you don’t want the one on your treadmill.

Programming Extras

Numerous treadmills come preset with workout programs to choose from for your fitness regimen. These programs help you set up an exercise routine that you can adhere to. You can also monitor your progress (the number of calories burned, weight, and treadmill usage) as you workout.

Preset Incline and Decline

Most treadmills have built-in incline and decline mechanism for exciting exercising process. They increase calorie burn, tone muscles, and target joints. Several treadmills are equipped with maximum inclines varying from 10- 20%.


Some treadmills come with treadmill mats, cleaning materials, and entertainment accessories. Treadmill mats reduce the noise caused by the vibration of the machine. You can consider buying a tablet holder for your device or a reading rack for books so you can enjoy reading while you work out. Other features to consider include workout fans, touch screens, and water bottle holders.

10. Elliptical

Also known as cross trainers, ellipticals rank among popular cardio machines in home gyms. The low-impact workout essential helps increase stamina and cardio capacity while increasing your heart rate, lungs and building up muscles. Elliptical workouts promote balance, help burn calories and body fat. Schwinn 470 Elliptical Machine can be a good choice for home workouts.

Features to Look Out for When Buying Ellipticals

Electronic Features

Many ellipticals come with several features to meet buyers’ needs. From fans to exercise programs for interactivity, there are numerous features that will appeal to users.

Stride Length

This is one important feature that should be considered before purchasing an elliptical. Stride lengths range from 12 to 21 inches. While an 18-20 inch stride is ideal for average height individuals, 20-21 inches is preferable for tall people. Irrespective of the elliptical model you choose, ensure you find the stride length that suits you.

Safety Features

Choose ellipticals equipped with safety features that lock the machine when not in use. These features could include a pedal arm safety pin and software lockout. The pedal pin stops the elliptical from being pedaled while the software feature deactivates the keypad or display function so that the equipment becomes less appealing to inquisitive kids.


Also referred to as ramp, incline increases your workout slope as you work on your various muscle groups. This improves your workout routine and increases calorie burn. Inclines can be automated or manually operated.

Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine

11. Rowing Machine

The rowing machine didn’t receive much recognition when it came into the market some years ago. Even fitness enthusiasts didn’t give it much consideration. Today, rowing machines have become the bedrock of most gyms and homes. The exercise equipment focuses on the cardiovascular system, legs, backs, and arms. Rowing enhances overall fitness, strengthens the heart, improves mood and immune system.  Are you looking to add a rowing machine to your indoor cardio exercise? Here are some rowing machines that will make your home routine so much fun and interesting:

  • Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RW5639 Full Motion Rowing Machine
  • NordicTrack RW Rower
  • Stamina 35-1215 Orbital Rowing Machine

Features to Look Out for When Buying Rowing Machines

Resistance Type

All rowing machines work by resistance mechanism though the source of resistance may vary. Rowers are either powered by wind pressure, water, hydraulic or magnetic force. Each resistance mechanism has its own strengths and benefits. While magnetic rowers are quieter, water-based rowing machines provide a more unique and realistic experience.

Maximum User Weight

Compared to other exercise machines, rowing machines support more weights. A durable and quality rower should be able to bear a maximum weight above 130kg.

Handle Model

Handles help users to grip on the rowing machines. Rowers are equipped with a single handle or two handlebars.  The handlebars are quite similar to that of an elliptical and enhance the upper body region.


Flexibility and comfort are factors considered in designing a rower. Rowing machines can be heavily built such that they’re difficult to store or move around. While some rowing machines come with transport wheels for mobility, others are foldable. A rowing machine that easily folds is an ideal choice for small spaces.

Wrapping Up

And that’s the various workout equipment you can use for your indoor cardio! Ensure you check for features before choosing any of the exercise essentials. Enjoy doing your cardio indoors with these workout tools!

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